Month: December 2008

  • 2 tips – Check PHP syntax and SVN move multiple files

    This is what I have in my .bash_profile. It check for all the PHP files, recursively, for any syntax error. alias php_check_syntax=’find . -type f -name \*.php -exec php -l {} \;’ This other tip is to move multiple files in SVN. You can make it a script if you want. for i in *.test.php…

  • TextMate – Search in project

    Several issues I would suggest to the developer: 1) When searching, there is no status/progress indicator (or the button flashing very lightly that I do not notice, but a turning icon would be much nicer). For a large project with over 1000 files, one would wonder if these are all the result or it’s still…

  • First snippet customization in TextMate

    After reading the manual and view the bundle, customization is quite powerful in TextMate. This class declaration should be trigger by typing “class”, then press Tab key. It automatically your full name using finger/whoami and set the date. Pretty neat eh! /** * ${4:Description} * @package ${5:default} * @version \$Id\$ * @since `date` * @author…

  • XAMPP vs. doing it your own

    Thinking that I would have more control by setting up the packages by myself, I was wrong. After running into the problem with pre-installed PHP by MacOS X Leopard does not have GD, IMAP and other components, I tried playing with fink, MacPorts and manual compiling. LAMP still rules and not “MAMP” for good reasons.…

  • Convert from PC to MacBook for a developer

    With the new nicely looking MacBook and an old PC, plus some decent deals on Amazon, it’s a good time to switch. After a couple days, this will be a productivity improvement. Many packages are available and ready to use, like svn, httpd. Here is maybe a list of things I did for a conversion:…

  • CakePHP – Simple User Registration

    After doing some initial readings on different PHP frameworks, including CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Symphony, Zend. I’m digging deeper into CakePHP with an open eyes for fresh ideas and other developments. To start, CakePHP is slow, quite slow (backed up by Rasmus’s benchmark at froscon). It also has not taken advantage of more object-oriented syntax and methods.…

  • Google AdWords – Click Fraud Rate

    Google believes the click fraud rate is less than 2%. The facts support the opposite and click fraud is running rampage on Google’s networks, including their search sites. For us, we only leave about 5% impressions/clicks on AdSense, which has a much lower quality than Google-operated sites. Clicks: 314 Invalid: 67 Click Fraud Rate: 17.59%…