Category: Uncategorized

  • JSCookMenu 1.4.3 Bug

    File: JSCookMenu.js line 178 Old: hasChild = (item.length > 5); New: hasChild = (item.length && item.length > 5); Purpose: avoid warning because _cmSplit is parsed as an object and does not have length property Updated: JSCookMenu updated to 1.4.4 with a quick fix for a bug for _cmSplit checking.

  • Passing Arguments to a JavaScript Function

    function foo() { var argv = foo.arguments; var argc = argv.length; for (var i = 0; i < argc; i++) { alert("Argument " + i + " = " + argv[i]); } } Firefox 1.5 returns “Warning: deprecated arguments usage” Solution: “var argv = arguments;” Reference: “The arguments object is a local variable available…

  • Hardware Lister: lshw

    RPMs: Sample Output: root# lshw |more description: Desktop Computer product: HP dx5150 SFF(PE680AV) vendor: Hewlett-Packard serial: 2UA5450KR5 width: 32 bits capabilities: smbios-2.4 dmi-2.4 configuration: boot=normal chassis=desktop uuid=80C9A306-F6BE-1010-B4A0-AC7D0633B1F2

  • Question: How do I access my Packet8 voicemail?

    Answer: From your Packet8 phone: 012-0555 From outside the U.S.: 1-650-353-4400 Toll free from the U.S.: 1-888-898-7887

  • Book – Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner

    Summary some of the lessons for me: Part 2: Model the Way – Chap 3: Find your voice by clarifying your personal values Look in the mirror. Take time for contemplation. Write a tribute to yourself. Record the lessons from the leaders you admire. Write your credo. Engage in a credo dialogue and assessment. Collect…

  • Web 1.0 vs. 2.0 from Tim O’Reilly

    Summary of the lessons from Tim’s article: 1. The Web As Platform – The value of the software is proportional to the scale and dynamism of the data it helps to manage. – Leverage customer-self service and algorithmic data management to reach out to the entire web, to the edges and not just the center,…

  • Scope of ERP

    – Analytics (Strategic Enterprise Management, Financial Analytics, Operations Analytics, Workforce Analytics) – Financials (Financial Supply Chain Management, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Corporate Governance) – Human Capital Management (Talent Management, Workforce Process Management, Workfoce Deployment) – Procurement and Logistics Execution (Procurement, Supplier Collaboration, Inventory and Warehouse Management, Inbound and Outbound Logistics, Transportation Management) – Product Development…

  • Information Security

    Eight fundamental concepts in security: – Identification (user ID, application ID, or system ID. IDs are used to indicate to a system who or what is trying to gain access) – Authentication (validate the claimed identity of a user or resource) – Authorization (determine if an entity is permitted access to a particular resource) –…

  • CRM Process – Customer Life Cycle

    1) Acquire (Direct Marketing) 2) Enhance (Cross-sell, Up-sell) 3) Retain (Proactive Service)

  • launchmany-console 4.3.2beta Usage

    Usage: launchmany-console [OPTIONS] [TORRENTDIRECTORY] If a non-option argument is present it’s taken as the value of the torrent_dir option. arguments are – –ip ip to report to the tracker (has no effect unless you are on the same local network as the tracker) (defaults to ”) –forwarded_port world-visible port number if it’s different from the…