Month: November 2011

  • Benchmark xtrabackup streaming option tar.gz vs. tar

    time innobackupex –databases=”mydb” –stream=tar ./ –slave-info > /var/lib/mysql/snapshot_mydb.tar time innobackupex –databases=”mydb” –stream=tar ./ –slave-info | gzip – > /var/lib/mysql/snapshot_mydb.tar.gz Results: TAR: filesize 5.4Gb real 0m52.633s user 0m0.900s sys 0m29.860s TAR.GZ: filesize 350Mb real 2m26.606s user 3m40.261s sys 0m28.829s And during the dump, tar.gz locks tables. Thus, for a big database, a better solution would be…

  • OSSEC vs. SVN

    If you found the server suddenly blocks access when you try to “svn commit”, it might be because of OSSEC active response, which is good but a false alarm in this case (too many 404). Solution: many, but mine is just simply turn OSSEC off while committing and back on later. I don’t rename files…